Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fang the Mighty

The tunnel was dim as Fang strode forward. His companions followed not far behind as they left the sun and light behind them, their way lit only by flickering torches. A foul smell and guttural speech announced the arrival of their foes.

They had just reached the intersection of 3 passageways... and in the dim light.. they could see bugbears facing them from both paths ahead. Looking back they could see more approaching from behind as well.

As the party considered their options... Fang moved. "You will die now!" His defiant shout rang out, and without waiting he charged into the monstrous forms on the right hand path.

With a sigh that would have been quite audible in quieter circumstances, Talia the sorceress moved after Fang. Her shorter legs made it difficult to keep up with Fang as the half-orc warrior charged into the bugbears.

"Shoot them!" yelled Fang back to her, as his axe bit deep into the first of their enemies.

Fire raced from her fingertips to strike the next enraged monster stepping up over his fallen comrade. "Now you see why you should be nice to me Fang!"

"First we kill them... then I kill you after!" As usual Fang's logic left a lot to be desired. But Talia continued firing rays of fire and ice, helping her violent and unreasonable comrade in his merciless advance through the tunnel.

Behind them the druid, Lobo, had summoned help and with his wolf, Scar, was blocking the path behind them, to the left, Rogar and Valin had moved to hold the bugbears coming from that direction as well.

"Maybe we should move back.... stay closer to the others..." Talia started to say. But at that point the bugbear chieftain appeared at the back of the hall. Fang's enthusiasm redoubled as he began hacking his way to the leader.

"Shoot the big ugly one!" He yelled back to Talia.

Under her breath she mumbled... "Does he realize he's telling me to shoot himself!" She glared at Fang's backside for a moment, before refocusing her attention. Raising her small hand and calling to the magic within her... a greenish ray shot forth.. striking the largest of the bugbears... sapping his strength while he roared with rage.

Pointing at her and shouting... the chieftain was giving some sort of orders now. Yet another bugbear fell before Fang's axe as he stepped closer, but there were still too many between them. The leaders orders became clear however, as the bugbears in the back pulled out javelins and drew back to fling them at the adventurers.

"Ha! You think that will stop me!" Fang laughed as he advanced, but the javelins flew past him... at the tiny gnome maid. "Shit!" Fang grimaced as he saw the gnome was wounded. "I kill her! Not you!" And he began hewing his way to the javelineers.

Talia struggled with the pain as she retreated further back down the corridor, out of the sight of the javelineers. Sagging against the wall.. she wondered what to do, when a familiar form stepped up to her.

"Who's guarding the rear!?" She said with some concern, as Lobo examined her wounds. He answered her with a feral grin.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it." Shrieks and screams echoed back up the passage. Was that a bear she heard? Meanwhile the druid produced a wand, and with a few short words.. she felt the pain disappearing as her wounds closed.

"You'd better help him." The ragged druid said, and gesturing again, a large angry dire badger appeared amidst the bugbears facing Fang. "I have to get back to my end of things." And the druid stepped away... heading back to the sounds of an angry bear behind them.

Drawing herself up to her full but diminutive height... Talia returned to see how Fang was faring.

"Get this stupid badger out of my way!" He yelled, facing a large door. Dead bugbears lay strewn about, their bodies looking like so many broken dolls. The badger was tearing at the wood, but Fang couldn't get close enough to bring his axe to bear on it.

Fang was stunned for moment though.. as lighting struck the door, blasting it to flinders. Looking back he saw the druid waving as he walked away, back down the passage. "Asshole!" Fang's gratitude was less than spectacular, as he strode into the small room ahead, following the enraged badger.

Darts of pure energy lanced past him to strike the one bugbear standing behind the door, between Fang and the leader. "No! Shoot the big one!" Fang yelled. As if to demonstrate he and the badger tore into the largest of the bugbears with ferocious abandon.

Another greenish ray struck the ugly humanoid, weakening him further. The badger vanished as the limit of his summoning ended, but the leaders fate was already sealed as Fang's axe flashed again, burying itself in his chest.

"Ha! I kill you and you are the loser!" The half-orc roared his victory.

"He's dead Fang, I'm sure he realizes." Talia replied sarcastically as she looked over the fallen bugbears. "I'm going to go check on Rogar and Valin."

"I still kill you too, Pretty Butterfly!" Fang smiled with a psychotic gleam in his eye as she turned away from him.

Ignoring his maniacal posturings she sighed inwardly as she began running back to their companions. Sometimes, she thought to herself, I'm just not sure if he's serious, joking, or just retarded.

1 comment:

  1. awesome story.... really brightened my night .
    I was laughing so hard at the last line.

    You are a talented story teller my friend.
