Sunday, February 1, 2009

Camera Girl Commits Drive-by Shooting!

Originally uploaded by texasgawain
Last night something exceptional happened.

A woman.. who might otherwise be my wife... drove by and shot me (with her camera). I had realized before that I was incredibly sexy.. but this femme fatale obviously couldn't resist getting a candid shot of me as she drove by.

Luckily I had my camera at hand and I was able to take this defensive snap shot to help me identify the culprit.

Indeed once the image was analyzed and examined it turned out that it really WAS my wife with the camera! Yes, you heard me right.. my sweet Donna was guilty of driving by and shooting me anonymously with her camera.

I had known her to do things like this to others, dogs, flowers, random people, but not her own family! In such a blase and cold blooded fashion. But there we have it.. the evidence is clear... it was her!

I am blogging this now to get it out there.. so that others can see the truth before she comes for them as well.

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