Thursday, February 26, 2009

En Guarde!

Originally uploaded by texasgawain
This is Moira, warrior-princess. Also my daughter, when she's not dressing herself or her dolls I encourage her to go out and slay dragons.

Actually this reminds me of a story from years ago.

She and her brother were playing with a pop-gun, the old fashioned kind with a cork in the end attached by a string. After a bit they tired of it and switched to a different game. Matthew dressed up in one of his previous halloween costumes, in this case a green dragon suit, while Moira put on one of her princess dresses.

He was chasing Moira around the house in circles, her frilly pink dress flying as she ran for her very life. After several circuits she noticed the pop-gun lying discarded on the floor of the living room.

Suddenly her entire demeanor changed. Snatching up the gun she turned on the approaching dragon. Snarling her defiance she screamed out, "Die you naughty dragon!" Pop! She fired the pop-gun point blank into the rampaging monster's chest.

My son, being a good sport, promply collapsed and died, bleeding out his heart's blood on the ground like any decent dragon would after being shot at close range.

Standing over him, she looked down. In an instant her fierce visage transformed, from warrior to maiden. My little princess dropped her gun, performed a cute little pirouette and with a perfectly sweet smile said, "Do you want to dance with me?!" She then pranced away.

I laughed so hard my sides hurt.

My son the dragon declined to dance. I fear the dance would have done him more damage than the gun did.

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