Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Originally uploaded by texasgawain
The little boy I have there is my other child. The boy. He's wonderful, and annoying. He's everything I wasn't.. and a few things I was.

He'll never be me. That is the hardest lesson of fatherhood. Initially I think most men have a conception of their son being their legacy... a sort of follow up, themselves part two.

Then you have one... and you realize, he's not you. Never will be. From the first day he's someone else. Learning to deal with that is the essence of the transition from child to father.

On to the good stuff, he's a boy! Despite being different, he's still a boy. There are some things we share my wife will never understand. Partly I feel its my job to protect him a bit.. from the women in his life. At this tender age he's still very unsophisticated compared to females.. any females.

Not only that.. but women really don't understand us and he's a poor communicator as well (would that he had gotten that gift of mine!). Often its all I can do to haul his bacon out of the fires of feminine retribution before he pours gasoline on the flames with his poor wording.

I love him.

We don't always get along, but somehow he knows I'm looking out for him, even as I tease him about his music teacher (she's cute and he knows it!).

He's good in ways I never was, and sometimes wish he wasn't. On the other hand.. he'll never make the mistakes I did... but I"m helpless to protect him from the mistakes his own brand of choices will produce. It should be fun to watch.

Keep the hugs coming son, and I'll keep cheering for you no matter what you decide to go after.

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