Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Lens of the World

Originally uploaded by texasgawain
Every person you meet has something to teach you.

In my journey through life I often struggle to keep that in mind. Some lessons are not to be sought... some are necessary and unpleasant, and others are a delight.

The lesson here is one I got from R.A. McAvoy, an author who wrote a book... I forget the name of it, but what has stayed with me is the message that he wove into that story.

I'll try to quote him, hopefully he'll forgive me if I misphrase it, but the meaning should be clear.

"You are the lens of the world. You are the only lens through which the world can perceive itself, and conversly, the world is the only mirror in which you may see yourself."

That small paragraph contains two bits of truth, which are one and the same, merely viewed from different angle. The first is this: the world, the universe, the infinity of existence can only know itself through your eyes. Your observation, creates the very thing it is observing, neither exists without the other.

The second is this: The world you experience is entirely within your own head, including your own concept of self and your physical body. The only way you can know anything about yourself... is by observing the world which you are creating within your mind.

Once you wrap your head around that.... the world begins to be full of wonderful and terrifying mystery. Should this alter your purpose, or change your life? Absolutely not.

As a zen master once said of the Tao, "When you are hungry eat, when you are tired sleep."

Some truths are so big.. and so amazing, that they change nothing, and there's nothing we can or should do about them. Learning not to try is the goal.

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