Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rocky Terrain

Originally uploaded by texasgawain
After our trip to the Rose Emporium we stopped at this nice rock formation on the road back. Its actually a spot where they cut through a hill to make a road.. thus exposing the bedrock and creating a cliff-like area.

Donna stopped for pictures, the kids and I went for the climbing. We climbed up to the top in several places, and took a few top down shots. It really was the favorite part of the day for me as I love clmbing things.

However it ended on a dark note.

Donna had brought one of her Blythe dolls. I wound up being forced to hold it in the air for several minutes while she took pictures. I was able to amuse myself though, by yelling to all the passing cars that they should bow down and worship, "Blythe, the Queen of the Damned."

1 comment:

  1. hehe you are too much sometimes. I'm sure some of the really nice people who were out having a Saturday afternoon drive are now scarred for life. Go Michael!
