Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mr. Roboto

Originally uploaded by texasgawain
This amazingly unclear photo is of the sorting robot we have at my work.

Essentially it works as a shipping sorter... it sorts cards (prescription cards) into boxes to be shipped to hundreds of different locations across the State of Texas.

Mostly it does its job and I do mine.. and we ignore each other. A state of affairs that suits us both fine. Unfortunately today that was not to be. The sorter quit working and all the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put humpty dumpty back together again.

Its amazing how sometimes simple little things can cause big problems. In this case one tiny little tracking eye had gone bad. It was giving a constant signal of items passing it (items that weren't actually there). That caused all sorts of logic errors in the software and subsequently the machine decided to shut itself off to protect us all from its malfunction.

They were waiting for me when I walked in the door at work.

Its so nice to have people always happy and ready to greet you at the door when you walk in. I finally got to have my morning coffee an hour later.. it was cold.

I've decided this year I'm not sending the sortation machine a christmas card. That'll teach it.

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