Sunday, January 25, 2009


Originally uploaded by texasgawain
This is my family. I should be in the picture.. but I was too lazy to set up the tripod and use the timer. Besides... I doubt our dog, Sofie, would have posed like that if I'd been in the shot.

Not to mention... our other two dogs were avoid the photo as well.

The important thing is that families are made of love. My wife orrganized this photo because she feels strongly that the marriages made in California should not be destroyed.

I quite agree with her. Its ridiculous that we should prevent people who love one another from having the basic rights that go along with marriage. There is no reason to denying them. There is no logic to saying to them.. 'my love is greater than yours, my happiness is proper.. yours is not'. Those are the sentiments of selfish, narrow minded people.

Its quite sad to me that many of the people voting and trying to stop gay marriages are in fact, also kind, sweet people in their own right. People who are otherwise good. People who are at their very base, kind and loving.

There is only one way such people could be made to support such bigotry. And that is the irrational indoctrination of so many children with religious teachings from a young age. Any religion that endorses such stupidity is guilty of poisoning the minds of every person it touches.

I am not an atheist. Nor am I a member of any religion. I believe we are all part of something much greater, much more beautiful than any man's limited conception of god. If god did happen to confine himself within some anthropomorphic shell... then the worshippers in most of the churches today would have cause for great fear.

For the god I would envision would have no patience for bigotry. That god would have no sympathy for those teaching children that they were inherently sinful. That god would never be so vain as to command every other soul to pray to him, to praise him.. he would have no need of such ego boosting.

Most surely.. he would NEVER deny two people the right to happiness together simply because they didn't fit the traditional gender pairings of the majority.

Luckily for those who worship in churches and listen to the teachings of other men, teachings that exclude and punish others... luckily for them the true god is a lot more forgiving than I am. That god allows them the freedom to be bigots and assholes even as he disdains their petty worship.

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